Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 23: Jeff Bezos case study

1.In your own words and using referenced quotes describe what is meant by the term „strategic leadership‟.
> Strategic Leadership:
While there are many different definitions of strategic leadership, 'we define it as an ability to influence others in your organization to voluntarily make a day-today decisions that lead to the organization's long-term growth and survival, and maintain its short-term financial health.'( Rowe.G,Nejad.M,2009). 
Strategic leadership manages, motivates and persuades staff to share and work for the same vision of the organization and can be used as an important tool for creating and implementing change in the organizational structure within a business. Thus, strategic leaders of an organization are the ones who works effectively in the day-to-day operations of the organization so as to articulate and implement long-term vision.  

2.Identify two interesting similarities and two differences between the 5 Elements of Successful and Effective Strategic Leadership model and the Transcendent Leadership model
> 5 elements of successful and effective strategic leadership models are:

  1. Developing and communicating the organisational purpose
  2. Managing human resources and organisational behavior
  3. Setting ethical standards
  4. Defining and delivering to the stakeholders
  5. Sustaining competitive advantage over time
The Transcendent Leadership model include:
  1. Leadership of self
  2. Leadership of others
  3. Leadership of the organisation
Two similarities between 5 elements of successful and effective strategic leadership model (Lynch model) and Transcendent Leadership model are:
  1. The stakeholder's are benefited by both the models as they get to have good inside and outside relationship from the organisation.
  2.  Both the models helps the organisation to cope up with the changing environment.
Two differences between the models are:
  1. Lynch model mainly focuses on the leadership of the organisation whereas the transcendent model focuses on both the leadership of the organisation and leadership of self.
  2. The lynch model considers human resource as their top most priority where the customers are given a lot of attention. whereas the transcendent model focuses on organisational goals, rules, procedures, strategic etc that will help the organisation sustain for long term.

Jeff Bezo's Case Study:
In my opinion, Jeff Bezo's strategic leadership is more of a Lynch model. I have listed some of the reasons why I feel Jeff Bezo's case study as lynch model:
  • It clearly communicates it's objective and vision.In the interview of Harvard Business Review Bezo stated that the reason behind his interviews was to give the customer an opportunity to understand the method of their operation and the principal. moreover, know who they are involved with.
  • Human resources as well as organizational decisions are managed. It is human focus in nature.the first emphasis is given to the customers along with the employees well being
  • Some price elasticity studies is done to set ethical standards. they somehow have the most possible least price rate.
  • The stakeholders are defined and delivered, which means they satisfy the customers full by maintaining a strong and loyal customer base.

Lynch, R., (2009) Strategic Management, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, Chapter 16, pp619

Crossan, M., Vera, D and Nanjad, L. (2008) Transcedent Leadership: strategic leadership in dynamic environments, The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 19, Issue 5, October 2008, Pages 569-581

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