Friday, November 29, 2013

Week 18: Case Study Hewlett-Packard

How can using the Change Kaleidoscope and Force-field analysis help an organisation to deliver its intended strategy?
> Change Kaleidoscope :
The concept of change kaleidoscope was first defined by Balogun and Hope Hailey in 2002. It can be used to analyse the change in context of the organisation. In order to implement any kind of strategy in the organisation, several factors of an organisation needs to be considered such as resources, power, competitive advantage e.t.c. and change kaleidoscope analysis helps in dealing with such factors of an organisation. It is always beneficial for the company and for the change leaders to investigate unique capabilities of the organisation specifically relating to the culture, stakeholders, time constrains, readiness and forces of power. (, 2013). 
It helps to know several factors of an organisation. It also helps to take control over and eventually monitor and fix the transition or change happening in the organisation.

The following diagram shows the change kaleidoscope in action:
                 image source:             kaleidoscope/&docid=xu3fkquNchvB6M&imgurl=

some of the questions that might come across for the factors of change kaleidoscope:

How quickly is change needed?

How much change is needed?

What organisational resources and characteristics need to be maintained?

How homogeneous are the staffs in the organisation?

What is the managerial and personal capability to implement change?

What is the degree of change resources available?

How ready are the people for the change?

Do staffs have the power to resist or ignore change in need?

Force-Field Analysis:
Force-Field Analysis was created by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s. It is a useful decision-making technique. This analysis helps an organisation to make a right decision by analyzing the forces for and against the change. 
As said by Kurt Lewin “an issue is held in balance by interaction of two opposing sets of forces- those seeking to promote change (driving forces) and those attempting to maintain the status quo (restraining forces).
This analysis can be used for two purposes: to decide whwther to go ahead with the change and lead towards success or by strengthening the forces supporting change and weakening those against it. We can use the Force-field analysis tool by listing all the forces for and against the decision of change.



Add your Change Kaleidoscope diagram for Hewlett Packard (Exercise 1 – slide 21) to your Learning Journal 
  Change Kaleidoscope for Hewlett Packard:

References:, accessed on November, 2013
Johnson, Whittington and Scholes (2011) Exploring Strategy, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, Chapter 14

J. Balogun and V. Hope Hailey, Exploring Strategic Change, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2009

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